Talk about cold I don't think it has got to double figures today.
At least it is not as bad as yesterday with the rain.
Had a horrid drive home after visiting hubby just on lighting up time.
We do badly need the rain to give the ground a good soaking.
This afternoon I have been to an afternoon tea at the care home where hubby is.
This was for residents of the village to come and meet residents in the home.
So my hospitality skills were put to the test helping to make tea and coffee
for those present. It is many a long year since I was working in the
hospitality industry and I was finding it hard work to remember
2 orders at a time!!!!!.
Today I am playing with 52 CCT who have a colour challenge.
Although my card doesn't look anything like theirs
it was the snowman that inspired me.
Thanks for dropping in.
Margaret M