
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Another snippet card.

A big welcome to my newest follower Di from
Drop over and say Hi.

Actually this was rather a large snippet.
One left over piece of brown card and by the way it is not
as brown as it looks in the photo.
It is more of a latte colour.
It was just enough to cut out the panel and the greeting.
The gold studs are some that I am trying to use up
as they have been laying around for a l...o...n...g.. time
so expect to see more of these.

That stamp is a very useful one for men's cards and the stud in the centre
always looks good.

Am entering this in 

Here is another men's card using the same stamp.

I added studs to the centre of these too but didn't take a photo.
The stamp pad I used was Kaleidacolor called Autumn leaves.
Reputed to be 
"The World's First Non-Bleeding Raised Rainbow Dye Inkpad"

They are years old so I would love to know how many others have got
one of these pads in their stash.

You push the pads together to use them but the lids will not go on
unless you part the colours to store them and they still
have plenty of ink left in them too. 

Thanks for dropping in and love your comments

Margaret M


  1. Two lovely cards Margaret and love the effect the multicoloured ink pad has when stamped...


  2. You reminded me I have one of these pads Margaret. I really like the autumnal colours of yours. You've made two lovely cards and what a useful stamp that is. Barbxx

  3. Hi Margart - I love your cards - both are great and you reminded me that I have a couple of those same inkpads stored somewhere safe - if I can recall where!

    I do agree about the Misti being expensive for what it is. That's one reason I really dithered for so long beofre finding that I could buy one in the UK post free and that clinched it really. Even the new mini Misti is only £10 cheaper. Having said all that, it is a well made and thought out piece of kit. Nice to have but not essential! :)


    Di xx

  4. Hi Margaret
    Both cards are superb. Love the ombre effect on the 2nd one.
    I think you can purchase these pads at Hobby craft in the UK.
    Best wishes.
    Ang x


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