
Monday, January 18, 2016

Oh dear what can the matter be

My computer has been asking me for ages to update to 
Windows 10.
So finally I did just that.
All my pictures are on Picasa and yes they are all still there
but now when I put in the memory card from my camera
windows 10 will not share them with Picasa.
They have filed them away and I am at a loss to find them.
Where are the grandchildren when I want them.
Hopefully  I will get this sorted soon.
Until then
Keep cool, warm or dry according to your climate.

Margaret M 


  1. Oh Margaret you are very brave...I still haven't done anything about it are there a lot or changes...I'm frighten of loosing stuff and also about my craft cd's not working I'm afriad I'm not good with PC's.


  2. Hi Margaret
    Eeeek! I'm still running Windows Noah's Ark version so I'm no help I'm afraid.
    We'll be here when you're sorted.
    Best of luck.
    Ang x


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